Thursday, June 13, 2013

Cleared for water. Pumpkins. Getting ready for #2...

We had an appointment last week Wednesday, (6.5.13) for a small cleaning and to check on the canal.  The Dr said the canal looked great and said it is ok to get water in the canal now! Yipee... this is a big step since bath time is a little tricky trying to protect the canal with boats flying, rubber ducks squirting and hair washing. :)  (at least it will be a victory until We are continuing to use the mold for the canal with the drops every night. We need to continue this for about 4 months until he has surgery on the outer ear and then they will make a new mold to fit his new ear and canal!

Last weekend we started planting all the pumpkins for Brody's Harvest for Hearing benefit. We moved our patch this year to make the hayride go in a different direction. We didn't get them all planted in one day, but am thankful that we finished today and before we leave for round 2 in California.  We are also adding a kids corn maze to the benefit this year and am excited to see how this turns out. The corn looks really good, now we just need to hope we don't' have a drought this summer again.

Today we had Brody's physical to clear him for the surgery. It was nice to go to our local doctor and show him body's new canal. Brody is very proud of his canal and so are we. He was amazed with how good it looked as well.  The DR asked him if he likes his new canal and his response was yes. I then asked him why he liked it.With a great big smile on his face he replied. "Cuz I can hear!!!!"  He even had to prove it to the Dr. So we took his headband off and the DR whispered "baseball"  and asked him what he said, and sure enough Brody whispered it right back to him!! :)

Our next surgery will be very similar to the first one. He will be having his right canal opened. Brody's right side had a lower score when he had his CT Scan. We are very hopeful that it will go as well as the first surgery. I few things that they informed us might be why it scored lower; the middle bones might not be connected properly or there is a mass of  something in there(if it is a mass, they should be able to laser it out).  I am also a little nervous that once we get to the hospital he will not be very eager to drink the "happy juice" and it may be a little difficult there. But he is excited to go back and ride the airplane!

Please continue to  pray for Brody  as we are getting closer to our next surgery date, and for Brody's parents as we need lots of encouragement, this one maybe a little easier knowing the procedure but not knowing what's inside his little head is hard. We are defiantly reassured that Brody is in God's hands and is with us every step of our journey. We will be flying out on Tuesday the 18th and having Brody second surgery on Thursday the 20th.

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