It looks like we will be heading back to California on Monday. Brody has had a sore on the top of his ear for a while now, that hasn't been healing. The sore started as one of his stiches was embedded in the skin. He has had it for a couple weeks now. I've been sending pictures to the Doctor ever since we have gotten home with updates. When I sent the photos on Thursday, Dr Renisch called and said he wants to see Brody and look at the ear to fix it. Not only is there the sore on top that isn't healing, but there in also another area that is starting to get a hole. We made appointments for Monday the 24th, and surgery for the 25th. He said he will probably have to fix it with surgery of cleaning and washing the affected areas as well as doing another skin graft to replace the skin that isn't healing. Hopefully this will prevent the ear from getting an infection. It isn't infected as of now.
I knew deep down that we would have to go back someday, I just didn't think it would be this soon. We are kind of disappointed that we need to head back so soon, but at the same time we are relieved that Brody is in GREAT hands and will get answers to why it isn't healing. Dr Renisch is such a great Dr and is the best out there. :) (Just wish we all were a little closer)
When I first told Brody we needed to go back to California he was very excited as he thought that we would be taking his cousin Haiden to Disney. Then I had to break the news that we needed to go and see Dr Renisch to have him check out his ear, Brod really was not impressed and shed a few tears. I then had to talk it up, and tell him this was a special trip where it was going to be just Mom, Dad, & him. Then he felt a little better. He did ask if we could go to Disney, and had to sell him on a park instead. I'm really hoping that we will get there and he will tell us that Brod doesn't need surgery and have a different solution, just so Brody doesn't have to go threw another surgery. :(
So for now, life will be on hold for the Henke's as we will be heading back to Beverly Hills for the week. Please say some prayers for the little man!
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