Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of our Brody followers! :) December has flew by so fast and we are only 12 days away from our (hopefully) last trip out to California. When we booked our flights and hotels for this trip it seemed like forever away and now we are only a week and a half away! Yikes.
Brody hasn't necessarily been looking forward to this trip or is he not wanting to go. He talks about it once and a while. With not too much excitement about getting his ear but more excitement that his cousin Jack will be coming out with us for a week.
I am excited for this trip as we are hoping that it is our last "surgery" trip. I will welcome the 75 degree weather with open arms. As far as the surgery, I am still nervous. You would think that this being his fourth one, I would know the ropes and it would be a breeze. It doesn't always work like that though. I am sure I will be a nervous wreck through out the whole process just as the previous ones. I am also hopeful that Brody will get his second big boy ear and that he can move on as a normal little boy without all the stares and questions. Not that I'm not open to all the questions because I love to share Brody's story, but I just want Brody to have a normal conversation with other kids with out being asked, "What happened to your ear?" and being stared at for the next 5 minutes.
We fly out on January 7th and the surgery is on the 9th. This time we are renting a house in Marnia Del Ray. Then before head back home we will once again head to Palo Alto to meet with Dr Robersons staff to make sure the canal is doing well and have a new mold made. If all goes well we will be headed back to Wisconsin on January 26th.
Happy Holidays to you and your family! I know this year has truly been amazing in so many aspects! Our little boy now has 2 canals and is so close to having 2 big boy ears! :) We are beyond blessed for all the support from the community, family, friends, and the amazing doctors which have changed Brody's life for the better!